
Funding for sexual assault awareness, prevention programs

"Michigan continues to be a leader in combating sexual assault on college and university campuses, with $1 million in grant funding now available through the Campus Sexual Assault Grant Program (CSAGP). Applications are being accepted from public and non-public Michigan colleges and universities to help support ongoing efforts to reduce sexual assaults on campuses across Michigan.

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Our editorial: Let experts handle campus assault

"With so much attention focused on the failures of Michigan State University to stop the serial abuse of young women by sports doctor Larry Nassar, it’s a good time to highlight the shortcomings of campus sexual assault investigations.

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First Lady Sue Snyder announces 4th summit to combat campus sex assault

"First Lady Sue Snyder announced Michigan's fourth annual “Inform. Empower. Prevent. Let’s End Campus Sexual Assault” summit to prevent sexual assault and change the culture on campuses."

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Governor, First Lady recognize April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month, launch 'MI Pledge' awareness campaign

"April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and Gov. Rick Snyder and First Lady Sue Snyder are urging all Michiganders to raise awareness and pledge to help change the culture surrounding sexual assault. For the month of April, Michiganders can sign “MI Pledge” to initiate statewide culture change and support sexual assault survivors."

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