2018 Summit Keynotes
Best practices for responding to campus sexual assault
9:15 a.m. - 10 a.m.
Facilitator: Angie Povilaitis, Michigan Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board
Brandon DeHaan, Grand Valley State University
Samara Hough, University of Michigan
Kym Worthy, Wayne County
Kris Rose, End Violence Against Women International
A comprehensive, thorough and trauma-informed response to reports of sexual assault on campuses can help survivors feel safe and empowered to come forward. This panel of experts will discuss best practices that can be utilized to help communities and institutions create a campus and community environment that appropriately addresses and responds to reports of sexual assault.
Keynote focused on Prevention
3 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Keynote speaker: Brenda Tracy, Advocate and Founder of Set The Expectation
Brenda Tracy is the survivor of a gang rape by four football players. After coming forward with her story in 2014, she quickly realized that educating, engaging, and inspiring men and coaches to become involved in the fight against sexual violence was what she was most passionate about. Over the last two years Ms. Tracy has traveled the country sharing her survival story and her call to action with over 70 athletic programs. As the founder of the national campaign #SetTheExpectation, audience members will learn how Brenda has successfully engaged the young men she works with and she will outline tangible actions that students, administrators, and community members can take to make their campuses safer. During a time of endless news cycles detailing the horrors of sexual and domestic violence on our campuses, Brenda’s message is one of hope, inspiration and the ability to create change.