She met him on campus, then they became fuck buddies - the story of how one fuckbuddy couple found love during college at Chico state.
“I’ll be back in a few days,” she said to her roommate as she packed up her things and left their room. She had already sent a message to her boyfriend about where she was going next week with her parents for spring break. He wasn’t happy about it - he wanted them to go somewhere a little more exotic, but the truth is that his job kept getting in the way of her and their relationship. She was tired of waiting around for him to get his act together, so now she would take matters into her own hands. The fact that he was hot and hung didn’t hurt either.
She sat down at the front desk of the dorms with her suitcase and began filling out her paperwork when a guy walked up behind her. “Hello there.” He smiled, showing off his perfect white teeth. “You’re new here?”
He seemed like a nice guy - he had short blonde hair and bright blue eyes. His body was toned from all the sports he played, and he probably worked out too much because his muscles were rock hard.
“Yeah… I’m just here for spring break,” she answered. “My name’s Julie.”
He looked over her papers, checked her ID, and handed her a keycard. “Welcome to campus! You’re in room 203 - you can go up three flights of stairs or use the elevator.” He smiled again.
Julie took the card and smiled back. “Thanks.” She headed upstairs, feeling excited for the trip ahead. Her parents hadn’t been overly thrilled with the idea of taking her away for a whole week, but once she explained to them that her boyfriend couldn’t make it this year, they relented. They always loved vacations and thought it would be great to spend some quality time together. It didn’t hurt that they had a condo right on the beach, and she’d get plenty of sunbathing in while her mom did all the cooking.
When she got to her room, she opened the door and saw a guy sitting on the bed watching TV. “Hi!” She walked inside and closed the door behind her. “What do you think? I love it here.”
The guy turned around and smiled at her. He was tall and skinny, with dark brown hair and a handsome face. The most noticeable thing about him was his massive cock. He was completely naked, stroking his dick slowly. “It looks pretty good,” he laughed. “You mind if I join you?”
Julie looked down at his huge cock and swallowed hard. “Um… I guess not.” She hesitated for a moment, then took off her shirt and jeans. “Nice view.”
“Yeah, my roommate said you’re really hot.”
Julie blushed. “Oh…”
“Why don’t you sit down?” He gestured towards the bed.
She sat down beside him, noticing that he was completely hard now. His dick was big and thick, and she could see veins bulging out along its length. She reached out and touched it lightly. “How long have you been here?”
“Since yesterday.” He glanced down at her boobs, which were exposed through her white bra. “I’ve never seen tits like yours before.”
Julie giggled nervously. “Thanks.” She traced her fingers along his cock. It felt warm and soft, and she moaned softly when she realized how hard he was. “God… what am I doing?”
He grinned. “Just playing around, huh?”
She nodded.
“If you want me to stop, just say so.”
Julie shook her head. “No… please.” She moved closer, pressing her breasts against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, kissing her passionately. When he slipped his tongue inside her mouth, she moaned into it, and he grabbed her hand and guided it between her legs. She rubbed herself slowly, moaning softly.
“You like that?”
She nodded. “Mmmhmmm.”
“Take your bra off.”
Julie blushed, but then realized how silly it was for her to be embarrassed about something so simple. She unfastened her bra and let it fall to the floor, …
Mattersheigh Archives
Dating and hookup site safety tips for students
Falling in love can happen at any time, but it’s especially easy to find yourself swept off your feet when you’re young. College students are often shy, awkward, alone and looking for a relationship or other connections with others. This is where dating apps come into play - but how do you stay safe while using them? Here are some tips to help to keep you safe while finding love (or lust) online.
Make your profile as private as possible
Although it’s nice to share the happy moments of your life with friends and family, be careful about exactly who can see what. If you’re looking for a relationship and want to find someone special, don’t advertise that fact to the world. Similarly, you should avoid sharing too much information about yourself - your age, whereabouts, name etc. If you’re looking for a trustworthy fuck app, then here’s a good list: These sites will allow your profile to stay private.
Don’t tell too many people about your intimate encounters
It’s important to be careful who you tell about your dates, flings and other intimate encounters - even if it’s just little white lies. Don’t tell everyone you know about your fuck site profiles. This is because other people may not understand the difference between casual dating and serious relationships, so chances are they will gossip to anyone who will listen. It’s probably best to keep your love interests a secret!
Never give out your address or number online
This one might sound like common sense, but you’d be surprised how many people think it’s okay to send their date their home address or phone number. If something starts to go wrong on a date and the other person turns out to be creepy, dangerous or aggressive, you might feel safer if you can leave and get a cab/bus home. If the other person has your address, this is impossible - so don’t give it to them!
Only meet in a public place on your first date
Whether you met on a dating website or app, always try and plan a date at a busy bar, cafe or restaurant where there are plenty of people around. This way, you can leave if things start to go wrong and no one will be any the wiser - it might also help you feel a little safer too! If the other person expects you to go somewhere more private, always say no - this could be a sign that they are dangerous.
Stick with your instincts
If something doesn’t feel right about the other person, ignore your phone when it buzzes or don’t reply to strange messages. Trust your instincts and listen to them - if someone seems like they could be dangerous, you need to distance yourself from them as soon as possible. There are plenty of other fish in the sea, so don’t worry about it!
Final Thoughts
Dating apps and websites can be a great way to find love, but they can also be dangerous. Using the simple steps above will help you stay safe when dating online - just remember that if it doesn’t feel right then get out as soon as possible! If you do meet someone special on an app, always be sure to tell a friend who can call for help if necessary.…
How To Stay Safe With Casual Dates And Flings: Tips That Could Save Your Life
Dating is a completely normal part of life that most people want to partake in, however, it obviously doesn’t come without its risks. When you’re hanging out with someone one on one that you don’t know well, you never really know what they’re like or what they’re thinking.
You should keep this in mind on any date with someone you just met. We talked with the team at Flings, an app that helps people find casual relationships to see their thoughts on the matter, and what they’re doing to keep users safe. We’ve come up with the following tips to keep you safe if you’re interested in having a fling or going on a casual date.
Keep your guard up
When you’re on a date with someone, you should always be on guard, especially when you’re meeting someone in person. For example, if you meet a guy at a bar and you do things like take his number and Facebook profile picture before you even know if he’s interesting or not, you’re giving him control over your well being. If he has a problem with you doing this, it could turn nasty and you could get in big trouble. This is especially true if you’re in an awkward situation, like walking up to a strange man who starts staring at you and won’t leave your side. It doesn’t take much for someone to get into a panic if someone is staring at them. In such a situation, take a step back, and remember that you can always escalate the situation if you feel unsafe.
Make sure you’re both on the same page
It’s always good to make sure the date is set up in a way that both you and your date are comfortable with. If you both are on the same page, you’re both feeling comfortable, and everything seems right, there’s really nothing to worry about. However, if either one of you doesn’t feel like you’re on the same page, then you should probably bail on the date. The only way to know for sure is by speaking with your date in the moment, and discussing it.
Tell a trusted friend where you’re going.
This one’s pretty straightforward: have a friend on hand who’s willing to step in and stop you if something goes wrong. A trustworthy friend is always your best bet for being safe.
Don’t drink too much
At the very least, don’t drink alcohol on a first date. And don’t drink it very much. You don’t want to be walking around in the middle of the night while drunk and it could get you into trouble with your date. It’s fine to drink a glass or two of wine or beer with someone you know, but don’t get plastered. Getting loaded makes you more vulnerable and makes you more susceptible to stumbling into dangerous situations.
Be prepared
Before you leave your house, make sure you have everything you need. Make sure you know where your emergency contacts are and know where they live so you can get a hold of them if needed. Don’t leave the house without doing this. If something does go wrong, you’ll be grateful you did.
Don’t take any risks
If a date initiates contact, always go along with it unless you’re not feeling it. If it’s in a public place, like a bar or an event or even in the street, don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself. You should, at the very least, put up a polite barrier between them and yourself if you feel uncomfortable. It’s not really about making a scene. It’s about being polite and safe. Do whatever you can to keep yourself safe while dating. If you feel uncomfortable or believe you’re being made to feel uncomfortable, let the other person know.
How To Check For Dangerous Emotions
Ask your date if they are okay and check the vibe by asking open-ended questions. You should always ask the person you’re dating how they feel or if they want to talk about something.
The best way to be safe when dating is to keep your guard up at all times, especially when you’re meeting …
Grant Program
Michigan continues to be a leader in combating sexual assault on college and university campuses, with $1 million in grant funding now available through the Campus Sexual Assault Grant Program (CSAGP). Applications are being accepted from public and non-public Michigan colleges and universities to help support ongoing efforts to reduce sexual assaults on campuses across Michigan.
This is the fourth round of grants after First Lady Sue Snyder and Michigan State Police Director Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue announced the program in June 2015 following the First Lady’s “Inform. Empower. Prevent. Let’s End Campus Sexual Assault” summit. Thanks to bipartisan efforts to address this critical statewide issue, $1 million was appropriated from Michigan’s Fiscal Year 2019 General Fund budget—the largest investment in the program to date.
“I thank the Governor and our partners in the Legislature for renewing and increasing this critical investment to promote the health and safety of Michigan’s students.”
The grant application can be found at Applications will be accepted until noon EDT on Monday, Oct. 8, 2018.
Eligible applicants are permitted to submit up to two applications for projects in the following five program areas: education, awareness, prevention, reporting and bystander intervention, or for campus improvements related to student safety, which may include lighting, security cameras, secure entrances, and more.
Applicants are encouraged to research and develop their projects with state and national sexual assault experts, as well as model their proposals after evidence-based sexual assault programs. Campus upgrades related to student safety require applicants to work collaboratively with their campus or local police department and include a letter of support from the campus or local police department with their application.
To be considered for funding all applicants must:
- Submit a detailed and complete application with all required information by 12 p.m. (noon) EDT on Oct. 8, 2018.
- Be a public or non-public university, college or community college where students attend classes on a physical campus in the state of Michigan.
- Provide a project overview that includes project title, goals, and objectives, proposed start and completion dates, estimated cost, grant amount requested and additional partners participating in the project.
- Have a project that starts after Nov. 20, 2018, and completes by Nov. 30, 2019.
- Submit no more than two applications per college/university.
For questions regarding the grant program or to submit an application, email
2017 - 2018 Grant Awardees
- Central Michigan University ($26,460)
- Finlandia University ($9,413)
- Grand Valley State University ($39,472)
- Kalamazoo College ($41,800)
- Lake Superior State University ($29,355)
- Lawrence Technological University ($6,000)
- Michigan State University ($39,216)
- Michigan Technological University ($11,920)
- Mott Community College ($14,333)
- Northern Michigan University ($19,321)
- University of Michigan ($17,597)
- University of Michigan – Flint ($43,700)
- Western Michigan University ($83,342)
2016 - 2017 Grant Awardees
· Central Michigan University ($31,016)
· Concordia University ($26,038)
· Davenport University ($25,396)
· Delta College ($15,800)
· Eastern Michigan University ($51,186)
· Finlandia University ($25,708)
· Grand Valley State University ($33,454)
· Henry Ford College ($20,000)
· Kalamazoo College ($18,600)
· Lake Superior State University ($28,522)
· Lawrence Technological University ($20,690)
· Macomb Community College ($6,000)
· Michigan State University ($37,969)
· University of Michigan ‐ Ann Arbor ($53,505)
· University of Michigan ‐ Dearborn ($9,840)
· University of Michigan ‐ Flint ($34,150)
· Wayne State University ($7,700)
· Western Michigan University ($60,617)
2015 - 2016 Grant Awardees
• Albion College ($7,335)
• Aquinas College ($4,637)
• Calvin College ($32,750)
• Central Michigan University ($33,435)
• Davenport University ($15,000)
• Delta College ($28,850)
• Eastern Michigan University ($53,926)
• Ferris State University ($10,000)
• Finlandia University ($15,000)
• Grand Rapids Community College ($7,716)
• Kalamazoo Valley Community College ($13,399)
• Lake Superior State University ($60,000)
• Michigan State University ($12,000)
• Michigan Technological University ($17,746)
• Northern Michigan University ($30,000)
• Northwestern Michigan College ($953)
• Oakland University ($10,550)
• Saginaw Valley State University ($34,321)
• University of Michigan – Ann Arbor ($20,003)
• University of Michigan – Dearborn ($38,016)
• University of Michigan – Flint ($29,363)
• Western Michigan University ($25,000)
For more information for the Campus Sexual Assault Grant Program, click here.
Session Descriptions
You, Me, and We: Working Together to Support Sexual Assault Survivors’ Well-Being, Recovery, and Empowerment;
Dr. Rebecca Campbell, Professor of Psychology, Michigan State University
Time: 9:15-10 a.m.
This presentation will examine how we—friends, family, campus officials, and community service providers—can support sexual assault survivors’ well-being, recovery, and empowerment. First and foremost, we need to understand the impact of trauma, so we will begin with a brief overview of the neurobiology of trauma. Then, from this trauma-informed perspective, we will examine how we can support survivors’ disclosures and informed choices about seeking help from advocates, health care providers, Title IX officials, and/or the police.
Presentation of Handbook (Over Lunch)
Time: 1:00 p.m.
This year, First Lady Sue Snyder created a workgroup to develop resources for campus sexual assault survivors. These resources were made into a handbook to provide information about support services in Michigan, including information about Title IX, how to connect with law enforcement for help, the availability of a sexual assault medical forensic examination and where to find campus and community support services. The handbook is now available in hardcopy format and online at www.
Ending Rape: Social Change Approach to Sexual Violence Prevention
Keith Edwards, speaker and educator on sexual violence prevention, men’s identity, social justice education, and curricular approaches
Time: 3:00-3:45 p.m.
This presentation defines and explores the realities of sexual violence, critiques traditional approaches on campus and in society in general, and reframes how we can approach sexual violence prevention proactively. Participants will be able to clearly define informed consent to others as well as recognize our mis-education from cultural messages at the roots of sexual violence. Participants will leave the session with a vivid understanding of the issues and tangible ways to make change happen.
Breakout Sessions
Session One (10:15 – 11:15 a.m.)
Policy Panel
Facilitator: Congresswoman Debbie Dingell
Panelists: State Representative Laura Cox, State Representative Kristy Pagan, State Senator Tonya Schuitmaker and State Senator Rebekah Warren
Michigan policymakers have led the country with the response to untested sexual assault evidence kits, sexual assault evidence kit tracking, and other sexual assault initiatives. This panel will discuss emerging policy issues related to sexual assault in Michigan with a focus on implementation and system changes necessary to meaningfully realize these efforts.
Preventing Sexual Violence Through Positive Culture Change
Facilitator: Melanie Boyd, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs in the Yale College Dean’s Office, Director of the Office of Gender and Campus Culture
Sexual violence does not take shape in a vacuum. It grows out of, and is enabled by, a series of violence supporting cultural patterns. To effectively protect our students from sexual violence, we must do more than raise awareness of these patterns – we must actively remake campus culture. This presentation offers a conceptual framework for reorienting our efforts, along with specific strategies and concrete examples from an undergraduate program focused on positive culture change.
Beyond Compliance: In Search of Effective, Fair and Trauma-Informed Campus Sexual Misconduct Investigations
Rebecca Leitman Veidlinger, Attorney Consultant Title IX Investigations & Compliance
This interactive session, designed for school administrators and campus Title IX staff, explores several complex considerations that go into institutions’ development of sexual misconduct investigative processes: compliance with federal law, fairness in process, and trauma-informed practice. In leading the session, Rebecca will share lessons learned through her own Title IX investigations and ask other institutional staff to share their experiences, with the goal of identifying effective investigative practices that go beyond just checking the box of compliance.
Panel Discussion Focused on Masculinity
Facilitator: David Lisak, Researcher & Forensic Consultant Focused on the Causes and Consequences of Interpersonal Violence
Panelists: Rus Funk, MSW, CSE, Consultant; David Garvin, MSW, LMSW, Chief Operating Officer, Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County; David Manville, BSW Advisor & Lecturer, Eastern Michigan University
This panel will discuss the role of men and masculinity in the culture that supports sexual assault and sexual assault prevention. The panelists each have lifelong careers working on the issue of sexual assault, human trafficking, and domestic violence
Student-led Prevention Education and Leadership
Samantha Santos, LMSW, LA VIDA/CHASS Prevention Coordinator; Leila Ramirez, LA VIDA Youth Board member; Catalina Rios, BSW, LA VIDA Intern and former Peer Assistant
On June 8, 2015, First Lady Sue Snyder held the first campus sexual assault prevention summit at the Lansing Center in downtown Lansing, Michigan. The day long “Inform. Empower. Prevent. Let’s End Campus Sexual Assault Summit.” focused on making Michigan a model state in the fight against sexual assault amongst the college age population. The summit was the first step in an ongoing campaign to inform communities, empower individuals and ultimately bring an end to campus sexual assault. Click the below links to learn more about the summit agenda and speakers, to watch video of the general sessions and to read the documents recapping the discussion topics of the day.